Nits And Methods To Remove Them From Hair

To get rid of hair lice, the nits which are eggs of the adult lice need to be removed as well. A lice removal shampoo will do away with the adults but is ineffective on the eggs. These eggs bond like glue to the hair shaft as a result of the substance excreted by the female adult. They usually hatch in about one week. They are very difficult to remove but unless removed, the lice infestation will continue

Many solutions exist for removing nits, but the procedure is typically tedious and time-consuming. The easiest removal method involves using a fine-toothed comb""preferably metal""to scrutinize each hair strand. Keeping the hair wet is recommended. A magnifying glass may be helpful because it makes it easier to find the eggs. It is imperative that each hair strand is inspected for nits because if even one remains, it will hatch and the infection will start all over again.

After removing all of the louse eggs, you should wash all of the bedding, and all of the clothing, because those may contain adult lice or nits as well. If possible, bleach should be added to the wash cycle in order to kill all remaining eggs and adult lice. Furthermore, combs, hats, and other accessories should also be bleached. Those items which can not be bleached or washed should instead be sealed for several weeks in plastic bags.

It can be quite difficult to remove louse eggs from the hair, and for this reason, there are certain methods that are used to make it easier. One of these methods is the soaking of the infested person's hair in white vinegar to remove the eggs. Doing this loosens the glue that the louse uses to hold the eggs to the hair, thus facilitating removal. It may also be beneficial to soak the comb in vinegar prior to combing out the hair. Another way to help loosen the eggs is the application of heat to the hair just prior to egg removal.

Think before attempting an alternative form of treatment. While it may seem safer to use natural remedies, many of these have not been tested and may have unintended consequences. One popular alternate remedy mayonnaise is very difficult to remove from hair and will often end up turning rancid. Some alternative treatments could even be potentially lethal.

There are different sources available to help you with an infestation of lice. Doctors and pharmacists can advise you on products for dealing with the louse eggs. Should your child become infected, the on-site school nurse will also have this information.

To successfully deal with a hair lice infection, one must not forget about the nits - which are the lice eggs. The eggs become attached to individual strands of hair, stuck to each strand with a glue substance. The lice removal process can be expedited by a medicated shampoo, but the shampoo won't remove the eggs. Once you have discovered the presence of the problem, resources exist to help deal with it. A medical professional might prescribe something for taking care of the eggs. If it is an elementary or middle school student with the issue, you should consult with the nurse at the school.

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